Role of Consumer Organisations

About 500 Consumer associations have been formed in different parts of the country. The Consumer Coordination Council has been set up as an apex body of Consumer Organisations in Indian.

It main role or objectives are:

  1. Awareness regarding the rights and responsibilities of Consumer.
  2. Providing information regarding the remedies available to Consumer for protecting their rights.
  3. Different product testing by collecting various information and data.
  4. They also publish brochure, journals and pamphlets on Consumer affairs.
  5. They also arrange seminars, conferences and workshops on issues related to consumers.
  6. They arrange exhibitions on authenticity and adulterated products.
  7. Making aware consumers by doing protests or boycotts against impurities, unnecessary price hikes etc.
  8. Many counselling and guidance centres are there for helping consumers.
  9. Advertisements are also done to make aware of food adulteration, misuse of any drug etc.
  10. These organisations also file suits , complaints and writ petition before the court on behalf of consumers.

Therefore Consumer Organisation is there to protect consumers right because business exists to satisfy human needs and beside this consumer also have responsibilities to be aware of their rights.

Saamra Rizvi
Saamra Rizvi
Saamra Rizvi is a Communication expert, and trainer. She is a CS, and Law graduate from Lucknow University. She is a speaker in ICSI (Institiute of Company secretary) . Given various soft skill session in Lucknow ITI. In the pandemic situation she also provided online skill session to various entities. She is also attached to a children educational institute and support children with her skills .

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