Well it’s rightly said your determination for your work will definitely lead you towards the road of success. Many such inspiring personalities are there who really inspired us with their great work and one such really admirable is JK Rowling.
JK Rowling grew up surrounded by books, as in one of her interviews she said “I lived for books”. She was really fond of writing, at a very young age she started to write, she was just 6 when she first wrote her book a story of rabbit “Rabbit”. She took her degree and then moved to London. The idea of Harry Potter in 1990 came to her while sitting on a delayed train from Manchester to London King’s Cross.
As we know, the Harry Potter series is one of the most famous books in the world, but the path was not easy for Rowling.
In 1992 she faced multiple challenges in her life which led her to depression she lost her mother, separated from husband, single handedly raised her daughter , 12 major publications rejected her Harry Potter Script, she was really emotionally broken but her determination kept her going towards her goal and one day her hard work really paid off.
In 2013, the book has sold more than 500 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 73 languages, the book was adapted to a movie series making it a franchise of a billion-dollar business.
So, your determination, believing in yourself and don’t give up attitude will always make your dreams come true. So keep trying and never show your back to the problem instead be ready to face them with enthusiasm and patiently.