The biggest dream of an entrepreneur

The biggest dream of an entrepreneur, listing their startup on stock exchanges, but is it easy?

I would say yes and no, a dream remains a dream unless it’s fulfilled, every entrepreneur wants to get his company listed on stock exchanges, but very few of them get it done, rest become a part of the crowd and never touches the blue ocean boundary.

If you are a budding entrepreneur, and a dreamer, should look at these suggestions:

  1. Start with the research

Be ready for a brainstorming period of research and analysis. When you conceptualize and Idea, you will have to start comprehensive research immediately without wasting any time, as this phase may take a longer period than any other phase, and the most crucial one, spend time, collect resources, make your studies, know the market, the consumer, their behavior, resources and examples, keep writing all the details in your diary.

  • Identify your personality type

This is the most important one, as it will help you explore that are you a business guy or you are a job guy, you make take personality tests to identify this, platforms like Shrie Campus LLP, may help you in doing that, ones you are sure that you are a business buy and you have the abilities to setup and run business, go ahead and if you don’t qualify in the assessment, don’t be disheartened, start accumulating the business knowledge, read startup books, read real stories of entrepreneur, pay a close attention to their struggle phase and have a closer look at how they succeeded. Give yourself time, and when you feel you have all necessary business acumen, you may start your startup.

  • Look at the opportunities

Exploring the opportunities around is the most important for any entrepreneur, as you can not grab all the opportunities but you can certainly grab those one which are well within your procurement resources. Keep a complete understanding about your resources, as you will have to decide each and everything as per your resources.

  • Look at your funds to acquire resources

Keep a close eye on your current funds, and make arrangement for further fund needs, acquiring funds is not an overnight job, it may take time. So plan it well in advance. Keep contacts with professionals who can make the funds arranged for you at times, keep the documentation ready and don’t skip your Income tax returns.

  • Educate yourself

Keep yourself educating about relevant laws and compliances, keep in touch with startup professionals who will be there to guide you about these laws and compliances.

  • Networking

Look at the possibilities of networking around you, take the memberships of business forums in your city, attend networking events there and try to grab the opportunities to present your business there. Try to make more connections at the events. Participate, build network and grow.

These are the basic steps which can give a start up a strong foundation, you can gather resources in all these stages and move forward with a strategy to scale your startup, plan expansion and projects and get it listed.

Anupam Jaiswal
Anupam Jaiswal
Anupam Jaiswal is a Certified professional, corporate trainer, motivational speaker and a business coach. He is the founder of Multiple ventures including AJ Leadership academy and Shrie Campus LLP. Anupam is having 20+ years of a rich experience of working with corporate, institutions and government bodies. He also acted as a CS and compliance office in a Mumbai based listed company and headed ICSI, Lucknow chapter as secretary and chairman. and now in whole time practice, and consultants to corporate including Success My Business.

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