The Big Ms of Marketing

Marketing is a tough, though a smart art, and plays the crucial role in revenue generation. Marketing attracts consumer to the products and services and ultimately a sales happen. How to market? It may be subject to formulation of different strategies as per influencing factors, but there are some common factors are there to keep in mind always:


Every organization has a mission, so the marketing as well, every marketing campaign must have a mission to accomplish with. Mission helps in deciding the best possible strategy, and how much it can be fixed and flexible.

So when you decide to run a marketing campaign, write a mission first and give it a vision and clearly and objectively communicate with the team.


Every marketing campaign has an underlying objective, the core message. This message influences the whole campaign and this has to be delivered with the target audience, consumers/customer with the full attention and care. The strategies may be different as per need but the underlying objective remains the same and the goal of the campaign is to achieve the objective.


Media has the vital role to play in any marketing campaign, careful selection of the medium is the most crucial step in any marketing campaign, this is the SPV through which the whole campaign will drive. So the proper channel, mode, allocation, timing and utilization is very important.


The most important resource, without which no campaign is possible. This resource needs a wise allocation and arrangement. As marketing consumes a big part of it, a perfect allocation as per medium, message and mission in light with the other resources available is very important and should be taken care of and ensure the maximum utilization of the resources brought in by money.


When you set a mission, a goal and an objective then you set a deadline as well. Goals are those which can be measured, as when goals are measurable, you can do gap analysis. You can track progress, you can take corrective measures to bring more effectiveness towards it.

Anupam Jaiswal
Anupam Jaiswal
Anupam Jaiswal is a Certified professional, corporate trainer, motivational speaker and a business coach. He is the founder of Multiple ventures including AJ Leadership academy and Shrie Campus LLP. Anupam is having 20+ years of a rich experience of working with corporate, institutions and government bodies. He also acted as a CS and compliance office in a Mumbai based listed company and headed ICSI, Lucknow chapter as secretary and chairman. and now in whole time practice, and consultants to corporate including Success My Business.

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