Measures to tackle Corporate Stress

* Wearing good clothes preferably bright colours make your mood happy and you know research says best perfumes makes your day best so smell nice and make a mood stress free.

*One day is for you and one is against you this theory is very true if one day is somehow not good for you don’t let it make your mood spoil for the next few days try to forget it and move on.

* Make your holidays more enjoyable and practice your favourite hobby trust me it works you will feel fresh the next day when you go to your work it makes you more enthusiastic at your workplace.

* Don’t let your fears overcome you. The star of millennium our own Amitabh Bachchan the don of Bollywood had one eye smaller than other and it never became an obstacle in his success.

* Express yourself keeping yourself on the shelf doesn’t work if you don’t express frustration increases and efficiency decreases and then the blaming process starts and the first one will be obviously God, so making a physical hardware supporting mental hardware expressing is necessary.

* Explore don’t be Rigid sometimes people work in the same office for a very long period and if the same work doesn’t provide job satisfaction or a salary hike trust me moving to a new venture helps you to work more efficiently.

That’s all there are many more measures but these are some practical aspects which I discussed with you all.

Saamra Rizvi
Saamra Rizvi
Saamra Rizvi is a Communication expert, and trainer. She is a CS, and Law graduate from Lucknow University. She is a speaker in ICSI (Institiute of Company secretary) . Given various soft skill session in Lucknow ITI. In the pandemic situation she also provided online skill session to various entities. She is also attached to a children educational institute and support children with her skills .

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