Good communication skills are must for moving up in corporate ladder. Similarly, it is important in social life as well. However, since we speak more and write less in social life, its effect may not be visible immediately. On the other hand, in formal setup, it is more of writing that matters, than speaking. Therefore, here we discuss few keys to your first presentation, whether in job to employer or in business to customers/clients.
- To whom an email is addressed first decides how it is written. For example if you are writing the Managing Director of the company then it should be short, simple and in crux unless the MD himself asked yourself to send detailed reports. “Dear Sir” is the most common salutation used, however you will be surprised to know that “Dear” word looks informal when you are writing to a very senior person. Hence, be sober and humble.
- Recognize that there are varied ways to mention the same thing. There is no one type of email that can fit every designation so first of all you have to be patient and thoughtful on what words the receiver expects to read.
- “Cc” and “Bcc” have their own part to play. For example- in few corporates, it is a culture to mention name of that person first who has to act in “Cc”. Contrary to this, few seniors/clients find it suitable if you mention the name of senior most person first in “Cc” and thereafter the name of those with whom the email relates. Also, a small mistake of mentioning someone in “Bcc” instead of “Cc” may also prove to be big. So, be cautious about it. Mention only those names in “Bcc” whom you know must receive the email but whose name/email id should not be visible to others. Then issues generally arise in case of confidential emails wherein one is not supposed to disclose details to others.
- The “subject line” gives your first impression so leaving it empty or incorrect is considered a serious fault.
- At last, after completing the full matter, giving regards may seem a little boring but it should be part of your email always. You can keep a permanent signature of thanks & regards and keep settings as automatic so that in every email, the same gets automatically inserted.
Of course, writing of any kind is an art and choosing correct words is the key to master the skill. So practice every day and become an artist.