How to gain new clients

There are so many tips and tricks through which you can gain new clients. The same lies not only marketing skills of the entrepreneur but also in human psychology.

So, let us deliberate upon them one by one:

  1. Timely service to existing clients, howsoever small or big they contribute to your turnover. The work actually starts with near ones or your seniors who already have faith in you. They are the first ones to give you work at the initial phase. Later on, through interconnected networks, these first clients would only provide further clients. So, giving best level service to them is not only beneficial for the business but for also for your individual growth. These connections often stay for life and then when you look back after many decades, you will realize that there are so many great people with whom you have been associated for so long.
  2. Understanding client needs before giving any opinion. Professional service, unlike product sale, is a very dynamic mental subject. Same thing can be done in so many ways and all are correct. So, understanding the client’s needs in first interaction itself is the key. Sometimes, telephonic conversation is sufficient in order to understand key areas. However, when required, go and meet them up at their office. It will automatically create an impression that first of all you understand them empathetically and secondly you have kept your ego way behind and have full focus on your aims.
  3. Self-respect and personal considerations are most important cornerstone to success. Never accept a work which your wisdom does not allow you to do. For example- if you are a lawyer then never accept a case which may give you good money but does not satisfy your professional goals. Similarly, if you are a doctor and you know that the illness may be removed just through medicines and surgery is not mandatory then never recommend to go for one. So, not accepting the tasks that you do not believe in will also boost up your clientele. It is not a sign of ego rather it will give clear indications to the market about what you cannot do. This will ensure that you get right clients of your sort.
  4. Word of mouth is the most organic way to get long-term clients. So, you have to make sure that what you suggest to the client is the correct answer. It will ensure their continuous trust in you and will also bring new work to the table. If you require time to analyze the case, then you can always ask for some time but never give any sort of answers without knowing the case, facts, law, circumstances completely. Your instances on the matter should not keep changing.
Bhavya Taneja
Bhavya Taneja
Bhavya Taneja is a Practicing Company Secretary, speaker on various academic and non-academic topics and a writer. She has an experience of 8 years as a professional and 5 years as a faculty of Economics. She has authored a book of quotes called 'Crisp Talkings' and is actively involved in social welfare activities as well.

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