Climate Action 100+

In order to cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions and delivering net zero GHG by 2050, Climate Action 100+ was established. It focuses on accountability as well as reporting part for companies on climate change risk. It is in line with Paris Agreement that was executed way back to reduce the GHG effect.

This initiative was basically launched in December 2017 at One Planet Summit (hosted by French Government) by five investor groups’ viz. Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, Ceres, Investor Group on Climate Change, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change and Principles for Responsible Investment. It is an investor driven initiative which means that investors are expecting their investee companies to focus on 1. Cutting toxic emissions 2. Putting accountability on Board 3. Making clear disclosures on the matter.

These standards currently focus on world’s top 166 corporate greenhouse gas emitters. Limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C is the focus area.

In this sequence, the name of Greta Thunberg has to be mentioned specifically. At the early age of 15, she persuaded her parents to adopt a lifestyle that can reduce their carbon footprint. Not only this, but she also skipped school on every Friday until Sweden government was in compliance with Paris Agreement. Her blunt speaking manner and protest for environment protection was so strong that it made her a global icon.

Similarly, in India also, various campaigns were launched such as Chipko Moment, Clean Ganga Mission, Save Soil Program and National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Eco-System.

As we all know that each big step is made up of many little steps so every citizen has to make such lifestyle changes in order to reduce the effect of climate change.

Bhavya Taneja
Bhavya Taneja
Bhavya Taneja is a Practicing Company Secretary, speaker on various academic and non-academic topics and a writer. She has an experience of 8 years as a professional and 5 years as a faculty of Economics. She has authored a book of quotes called 'Crisp Talkings' and is actively involved in social welfare activities as well.

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